Friday, September 5, 2008

Olive Tree in Great Shape After Gustav

Our camp came through Gustav without a scratch. The Shower Trailer folks at St Andrews called to check on it so I thought I'd update any of you planning a trip to our camp.

We should be ready for us on schedule without much effort. Certainly there will be plenty of work for you. Right now the Olive Tree camp manager is helping clean up and rebuild some of the other camps that weren't as lucky. Our Houma camp took the brunt of Gustav. That camp's manager, Kevin Henry, also lost his home. The entire PDA staff is going to Houma tomorrow morning to see what we can do to bring this camp back. The Pearlington camp also lost a tent or two but not as serious as the Houma camp.

I have a video of the last night in New Orleans. It was really a very surreal experience. The night we evacuated the camp was also the third anniversary and the Project Homecoming people gave a big party for the homeowners to celebrate their rebuilding. So while I was packing up for Gustav and carrying boxes out the building, the Project Homecoming people were celebrating their victory over Katrina and bringing in helium balloons and food through the same door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This video is great. I love the addition of real video to your blog! The context though... what a sad night. Not knowing if it was going to happen all over again! For every day I can't be down there myself, I pray for all the others who can.